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The Office of the Academic Audit Cell was established in the year 2011 in order to monitor effectively the academic and administrative functioning, of affiliated colleges under Telangana University. The University created a Cell in the Office of the Directorate of Academic Audit (Academic Audit Cell) to coordinate the working of the constitution of Examination Centres, posting of observers and squad members etc, to deal with the problems which cropped up during the course of examinations, The Directorate of Academic Audit performs several functions such as grant of affiliation and extension of affiliation to colleges and courses under different faculties. Apart from these functions, inspections are also conducted by Directorate of Academic Audit during, the academic year. To enhance the academic and research standards in colleges To attend to the redressal of grievances of students, staff and managements of colleges and To monitor conduct of classes, availability of teaching and non- teaching staff and the up keeping and maintenance, of laboratories , library and other records.


  • Grant of affiliation and extension of affiliation to the colleges and courses under different faculties.
  • Conducting Orientation programs to the Principals / Chief Superintendents of affiliated colleges with regard to Admission and Examination rules.
  • Supervision over admissions at the Undergraduate level.
  • Surprise Visits / Inspections for affiliated colleges to strengthen the academics
  • Nomination of University representative on the Governing Bodies and selection committee of Private Colleges with the approval of Vice- Chancellor
  • Ratification of appointments of teaching staff in private colleges and getting, approval by the Vice- Chancellor
  • Action on matters pertaining to revision of Syllabus at the Undergraduate level, monitoring the Departmental conferences
  • Supervision and enforcement of coverage of Syllabi in all UG/ PG Colleges
  • Review and enforcement of requirements with regard to attendance of students
  • Supervision and monitor for smooth and fair conduct of UG/ PG Examinations and all the Professional Courses and Collection of University fees from the Colleges.
  • Telangana University is one of the largest affiliating University in the state with more than 100 UG/PG/ Professional colleges with a total student's strength of about 1.2 lakhs under 7 Faculties viz.
    • Faculty of Arts
    • Faculty of Science
    • Faculty of Social Sciences
    • Faculty of Business Management
    • Faculty of Commerce
    • Faculty of Education
    • Faculty of Law
    • MOUs with central and state Government bodies.


The main objective of the Directorate of Academic Audit is to ensure academic standards in affiliated colleges and strengthen them academically and administratively each year, by inspecting the colleges and verifying, the records, etc,


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