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  • Dichpally, Nizamabad

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Head of the Department
S.No. Department Faculty Name Contact No
1 Applied Economics Dr. A. Punnaiah 9948017934
2 Applied Statistics Prof. K. Sampath Kumar 9701880796
3 Biotechnology Dr. M. Prasanna Sheela 9491758241
4 Botany Prof. M. Aruna 9849049205
5 Business Management Prof. Ch. Anjaneyulu 9849443686
6 Chemistry Dr. B. Sailu 9849232330
7 Commerce Prof. G. Rambabu 8555010272
8 Computer Scinece & Ebgineering Mrs. Alugota Neelima 9440472980
9 English Dr. K.V. Ramana Chary 9948652007
10 Geo-Informatics Dr. Darshanam Sabita 9866322639
11 Hindi Dr. Md. Jameel Ahmed 9989734326
12 Law Dr. K. Prasanna Rani 9393109733
13 Mass Communication Dr. P. Shantha Bai 9848488769
14 Mathematics Prof. Ch. Arathi 9849543424
15 Pharmaceutical Chemistry Dr. Shireesha Boyapati 9848906357
16 Physics Dr. N. Mohanbabu 9959001510
17 Public Administration Dr. Patha Nagaraju 9440135323
18 Social Work Dr. Anjaiah Bandela 9948905919
19 Telugu Studies Dr. Ch. Lakshmana Chakravarthy 9849714261
20 Urdu Prof. Mohd. Moosa Qureshi 9948493729
21 Chemistry (South Campus) I/c Dr. D. Nagaraju 9963148370
22 Political Science (I/c) Dr. Veerabhadram Bhukya 9492047300
23 History (I/c) Dr. Anjaiah Bandela 9948225141
24 Zoology (I/C) Dr. M. Prasanna Sheela 9491758241
25 M.A. Telugu Comparative Literature (South Campus) Prof. P. Kanakaiah 9949119609