Telangana University

తెలంగాణ విశ్వవిద్యాలయం
Nizamabad - 503322, TELANGANA, India
(Established under the Act 28 of 2006. A.P.)

Self-Study Report for 1st Cycle of Accreditation by NAAC

Self-Study Report for 1st Cycle of Accreditation by NAAC      
:: RTI (Right to Information ACT) ::


Officers of the University:

The following shall be the Officers of the University:
1. The Chancellor
2. The Vice-Chancellor
3. The Registrar
4. The Principals/Deans of the University Colleges
5. The Finance Officer and Such other persons as the Statures may declare to be officers of the University


1. The Chancellor:

1. The Governor of Andhra Pradesh shall be the Chancellor of every University established or deemed to have been established under the Act. He/She shall, by virtue of his/her Office, be the Head of the University and shall, when present, preside at convocations of the University. He/She shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be conferred on or vested in him by or under the provisions of the Act. The Chancellor may, by order in writing annual any proceedings of the University, which is not in conformity with the Act, the Statutes or the Ordinances.

2. Provided that before making any such order he/she shall give a notice calling upon the University to show cause why such an order should not be made and if any cause is shown within the time specified there for in the said notice, shall consider the same.

2. The Vice-Chancellor:

1. The Vice-Chancellor shall by virtue of his/her office be a Member and Chairman of the Executive Council and of the Academic Senate and shall preside at the Convocation of the University in the absence of the Chancellor

2. He/She shall be entitled to be present and address at any stage, any meeting or any Authority of the University, but not to vote there at, unless he is a member of the Authority concerned

3. He/She shall have the powers to convene meetings of the Executive Council and the Academic Senate

4. It shall be his/her duty to see that the provisions of this Act, the Statutes, the Ordinances and Regulations are duly observed and he may exercise all powers necessary for this purpose

5. He/She shall have power to interpret the provisions of this Act, the Statutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations. Any person or authority aggrieved may, within such time as may be prescribed by an Ordinance, appeal to the Chancellor Provided that:

a) If such interpretation was given at a meeting of the Executive Council, the appeal shall lie to the Chancellor direct

b) If such interpretation was given otherwise than at a meeting of the Executive Council the appeal shall be forwarded to the Chancellor through the Executive Council. The decision of the Chancellor on the appeal shall be final.

6. He shall give effect to the decision of the Authorities of the University taken in accordance with the powers conferred by or under this Act.

7. He shall have such other powers as may prescribed.

a) When, with regard any matter in which any offices or authority may take action, the Vice-Chancellor considers immediate action desirable, he may subject to the general control of the Chancellor take such action as may be necessary but shall, as soon as may be, report the action taken to the officer or authority concerned.

b) An appeal shall lie to the Executive Council against any action taken by the Vice-Chancellor under Clause (a) affecting any person in the service of the University, at the instance of such person. Such appeal shall be filed within 30 days from the day on which such person as notice of the action taken.

3. The Registrar:

1. The Registrar shall be a whole time paid officer of the University appointed by the Executive Council for a term of three years or less and on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the Statutes provided that he shall not continue in that office for more than six years.

2. The Registrar shall act as the Secretary of the Executive Council and Academic Senate. He shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed.

3. The Executive Council may transfer the Registrar to a suitable position even before the completion of the term provided he is shown a position in the University with the same emoluments.

4. The Principals / Dean of the University Colleges Principal

The Principal of the University or a Constituent College shall have the following powers and duties subject to the general supervision and control of the Vice-Chancellor:

1. The Principal shall be the Executive Head of the College.

2. He shall exercise general supervision and control over the teaching and administrative staff of the College.

3. He shall be responsible for the safety and maintenance of the buildings, laboratories, stores and property of all kinds in the College.

4. He shall, in consultation with the teaching staff of his College, prepare the general time-table of the College and co-ordinate the organization of teaching in various departments.

5. He shall be responsible for the maintenance of:

(i) Attendance Registers and Progress Records, and

(ii) Forms and Registers for equipment, books, stores and the like.

6. He shall call for periodical reports from the members of the teaching staff of his College regarding :

7. The work of the members of the staff, both teaching and research.

8. The attendance and progress of the students.

9. The equipment, books and all other stores.

10.The expenditure incurred on :

(i) the recurring laboratory charges

(ii) the imprest and other grants and

(iii) the non-recurring grants for laboratory and library.

11.He shall be responsible for the maintenance of discipline among the staff, students and servants of the college

12.He may fine or suspend a student of his College, but shall not rusticate any one without the approval of the Vice-Chancellor.

13.He shall with the prior approval of the Vice-Chancellor constitute the following Committees in his College:

(i) Bursaries & Free ships Committee

(ii) Sports Committee (where Sports & Games are organized by the College)

(iii) Library Committee

(iv) Committee of Students' Counsellors

(v) Purchase Committee

(vi) Any other Committee

14.He shall preside over these Committees, record the minutes and give effect to the decisions of the various committees, in accordance with the rules prescribed.

15.Subject to the rules in force, he shall have the power to suspend, grant leave of all kinds in regard to Class-IV employees, Lab. Attendants and Lower Division Clerks or 3rd grade Clerks.

16.Subject to the rules in force, he shall have the power to grant Casual Leave to all the other ministerial staff and the members of the teaching staff of the College.

17.He shall forward with suitable recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor, all applications for privilege or other leave from members of the ministerial staff, above the rank of an Lower Division Clerk or 3rd grade Clerk and member of the teaching staff of the College and shall recommend suitable acting arrangements.

18.He shall make recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor to delegate such of his powers as he deems necessary to senior members of the teaching staff of the College.

19.He shall utilize such funds as are collected in accordance with the rules in force, and in case any relaxation from the rules in force is found necessary, he shall obtain the prior approval of the Vice-Chancellor.

20.The Principal of a Constituent College shall be responsible for the proper maintenance of accounts of income and expenditure in the College and for proper administration of the budget so far as it relates to the College concerned.


1. He shall preside at all meetings of the Faculty concerned and all sub-committees of the Faculty.

2. He shall have the right to be present and to speak at any meeting of any committee of the Faculty.

3. He shall present the candidates for Degrees in respect of the Faculty concerned at the Convocations.

4. He shall generally assist the Vice-Chancellor in maintaining standards of teaching and research and shall be responsible for coordinating and regulating the academic activities of the concerned Faculty.

5. He shall be a member of the Selection Committee in regard to the appointment of teachers of and above the rank of Lecturers of the Colleges and Institutions maintained by the University.

6. Subject to rules, the Dean shall recommend to the Vice-Chancellor, the names of eligible teachers for recognition as Research Supervisors.

5. The Finance Officer:

I. The Finance Officer shall be whole time officer of the University appointed by the University from out of a panel of three officers to be obtained from the Government in the Education Department on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the rules made by the Government in this behalf. He shall be the employee of the Government and the salary, allowances, pension and other remuneration shall be paid in the first instance out of the consolidated fund of the State and later recovered from the University.

II. He shall maintain the accounts of the University and also advise the University on all matters relating to Income and Expenditure.

III. He shall be present at the meetings of the Finance Committee and participate in the decision but shall, not be entitled to vote.

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