Telangana University

తెలంగాణ విశ్వవిద్యాలయం
Nizamabad - 503322, TELANGANA, India
(Established under the Act 28 of 2006. A.P.)

Self-Study Report for 1st Cycle of Accreditation by NAAC

Self-Study Report for 1st Cycle of Accreditation by NAAC      

:: Internal Quality Assurance Cell ::

AQA Links for 2021-2022 A.Y

1.Circular Aspects

2.The institution assesses the learning levels of the students and organises special Programmes for advanced learners and slow learners

3.Student Satisfaction Survey Report

4.Bibliometrics of the publications during the year based on average Citation Index in Scopus/ Web of Science/PubMed

5.Bibliometrics of the publications during the year based on Scopus/ Web of Science – h-Index of the University

6.Total number of students benefited by scholarships and free ships provided by the institution, Government and non-government agencies (NGOs) during the year

7.Total number of students benefited by career counselling and guidance for competitive examinations offered by the Institution during the year

Internal Quality Assurance Cell is established in the Telangana University in September, 2011. The IQAC decided upon the following, for the commencing academic year to enhance quality initiatives in the institution in the areas of teaching-learning, research and student support:

               > Development of Quality Plans at the Department level.
               > Departments to submit reports to the IQAC twice in a year.
               > Mandatory sharing of experience by the faculty members who attend important Training Programmes/ Workshops.

The Objectives of the IQAC:

- To ensure continuous improvement in the entire operations of the University and

- To ensure stakeholders connected with Higher Education, namely parents, teachers, staff, would be employers, funding agencies and society in general, of its own quality and probity.

The Functions of the IQAC:

This programme is to inculcate the social welfare thoughts in the students, and to provide service to the society without any prejudice. NSS volunteers work hard day and night to ensure that every one in our society who is needy gets the every possible help from them so that they can also enhance their standards and lead a life of dignity in the society with all of us. In doing so, the volunteers themselves learn a lot from the people in villages like how to struggle and how to lead a happy life in the extreme scarcity of resources and so on.- Design and implementation of annual plan for Institution - level activities for quality enhancement.

- Arrange for feedback responses from students for quality - related institutional processes.

- Development and Application of quality bench marks / parameters for the various Academic and Administrative activities of the Institution.

- Retrieval of information on various quality parameters of Higher Education and best practices followed by other institutions.

- Organization of workshop and seminars on quality - related themes and promotion of quality circles and institutions - wide dissemination of the proceeding of such activities.

- Development and application of innovative practices in various programmes / activities leading to quality enhancement.

- Participation in the creation of learner-centric environment conductive for quality education.

- Work for the development of internationalization and institutionalization of quality enhancement policies and practices.

- Act as a nodal unit of the Institution for augmenting quality - related activities.

- Prepare focused annual quality assurance report (AQARs).

Quality Policy:

Telangana University is committed to achieving excellence in teaching, research and employability to the rural and urban alike;

- By imparting globally focused education,

- By creating world class professionals,

- By establishing synergic relationships with Industry and Society,

- By developing state of art infrastructure and well endowed faculty,

- By imparting knowledge through team work and incessant efforts.

Telangana University, Nizamabad - 503322, TELANGANA
Phone:+91-8461-222220 (Office)
Fax: +91-8461 - 222212 |
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