
Prof. G. Chandra Shekhar
The Academic Audit Cell was established in the year 2011 in order to monitor effectively the academic and administrative functioning of the affiliated colleges under Telangana University. The Academic Audit Cell performs several functions such as extension of affiliation and grant of affiliations to Colleges and courses, conduct of inspections, nomination of Governing Body members, Selection Committee members and approval of teachers appointed through the duly constituted selection committee in unaided colleges. Apart from these functions, inspections are also conducted by the Academic Audit Cell during the academic year I) to attend to the redressal of grievances of students, staff and managements of colleges and ii) to monitor teaching diaries, conduct of classes, availability of teaching and non-teaching staff and the up-keep and maintenance of Laboratories and Libraries and various records.
The main objective of the Academic Audit Cell is to ensure, strengthen and sustain academic standards in affiliated colleges through college inspections and verification of records.
Prof.G.Chandra Shekhar
Department of Mass Communication
Telangana University
Nizamabad - 503322, TELANGANA STATE
Contact No:+91-9063449111 Phone No:+91-8461-222215 (Off)
mail id : tudirectordaa@gmail.com
Joint Director
Dr. Md. Atheeq Sultan Ghori
Assoc. Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Telangana University
Nizamabad - 503322, TELANGANA STATE
Contact No:+91-9848151427 Phone No:+91-8461-222215 (Off)
mail id : tudirectordaa@gmail.com